People ask, why no sane person is taken word for the name of this site? The answer was brief.
A sane and alert is the objective. He only saw the reality. When she poured her observations, herbs and hue given to his thinking adjusted to reality itself, so there is no conflict. Information such as fiction can be like Superman or physics book. Superman is a fictional story easy to read, but just to be read, not to be analyzed and matched with reality. People never do a reality check on Superman's ability to fly. What underlies the ability to fly Superman, Archimedes force (buoyancy force) or force such as aircraft propulsion? If the Archimedes force that makes Superman float / fly, then Superman should be light weight once and density smaller than the density of air. The next question will appear when viewed in action Superman lifting a bus, a plane: whether the average specific gravity of iron (bus or plane) plus Superman lighter than air? Suppose Superman uses propulsion system to fly, where is a propeller or jet system it?Eating for energy what he fly?
Indeed, the story of Superman is a fictional story. What I want to stress is that this fictional story to collide with the natural sciences that has always been the rationale sane person in the review of the information. The underlying conclusion sane person on the basis of facts and reality and not on the basis of passion, emotion and spirit ism espoused. This article will present a topic with the aim of re-sharpening our objectivity as rational.
The caste system is a classification society based profession. Brahmins are educated class (= the learned scholars) and religious scholar. Wesia is the working class. The Knights are a class of bureaucrats and politicians. And Shudra is wasted class. For the class of Brahmins and Wesia, roles and their contribution to the prosperity clear. But for the warrior class, politician, I never understood what their contribution to the prosperity of society. Have you ever asked what work the kings and nobility in relation to public welfare. For example, as in the legend of Ramayana or Mahabharata, or in the history of the Malay sultans in Sumatra, or Gajah Mada, Hayam Wuruk, Ken Arok. What their work truly productive and provide benefits to prosperity?
Human culture is formed and engineered in part by what is called history. Speaking about the issue of people who are meritorious, useful to mankind, many can not mention it. For example, when you are driving a car on smooth paved roads, and compare it with soil or rocky roads or cement roads, do not you think Who have you ever come across the asphalt and began to use it to the highway?
If we relax at home, on days of heavy rain, stormy, have you thought who invented cement, building materials that are familiar to you and are very useful to make a home, a steadfast from rain and sun, take refuge at night from thieves and looters. How many things that make our lives easier made of cement than houses; bridges, power poles, roads, embankments breakwater, demaga ship. Much more. Strange, is not that the inventor of the cement does anyone know?
If you are told to say who the first president of the United States, or Indonesia's first president, or prime minister of Canada first, then easily you mention the name of G. Washington, Sukarno and McDonald. Strange is not it? Services what they are doing in regard to the comfort of your life. Take just Kemal Attartuk, or Mahatma Gandhi? What their services to you and humanity so that their name is in the history books and to learn and make you memorized? Compare with the inventor of asphalt, cement, light or penicillin (antibiotic).
So you're not curious I will call the name of the inventor of the asphalt. Asphalt in English calledtarmac, stands tar McAdam. John McAdam, a Scot, was the pioneer for the use of asphalt / bitumen for road kostruksi far sebelun 1900. For cement, this stuff has been around since ancient Roman times, and is not known who the inventor. Moderate to penicillin, although originally discovered as an antibiotic by French medical student Ernest Duchesne, in 1896, but recognized inventor is Alexander Fleming in 1928.
How could the people who actually provide the convenience in our lives such as John McAdam, Alexander Fleming, Ernest Duchesne, Carnot, not widely known, was Washington, Gandi and Sukarno, very well known?
The world was created by politicians. Politicians or in the language of caste is nothing but the warrior class is a class of parasitic unproductive. Raja, a member of parliament and the knights - the political elite - in earlier times, no more than a handyman palak, approximately the same as in recent times. If you follow the river Rhine or Rijn, many castles along the river, on the hill.Also if you are driving in England and Scotland, found many castles, knights of old settlement on the hill, looking to trade lane road in the valley of the hill. See how many kingdoms along trade lines the Strait of Malacca, as the sultanate of Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Malacca, Johor, Riau, Deli, Langkat, Samudra Pasai, Sriwijaya (Malacca Strait is the trade route from China to India and Arabia by sea ). Perpetrators of these former empires like the timer / artisan palak who became ruler along the city bus service, or pack unwilling to bend in the road.When merchants passed, then the tax collector will meluruk to ask for tax. (Is this the origin of import duties and taxes through? I do not know)
If we read the story of Ramayana, Mahabharata - both tell the life of the warrior class - did not appear at all the stories of how the knights, the political elite, prosperity of the people. There is only uses resources to their interests - the political elite - his own, the war, the struggle for wealth and power. Similarly, if we read the biography of Sukarno, difficult to find where the activities which make the people prosperous. Then ...., how they are actually not very useful it can be admired and flattered beyond the borders of their services?
History, control of the writing that is the answer. The parasite (I am a bit exaggerating) called politicians, the elite, to justify their existence should create an image that they are important.They made a hero of his circle and mengagung-agungkannya. Everything was done through history and is taught in schools, or if in earlier times, made his legend and spoken continuously, hereditary. This is the word of Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister of Nazi Germany. He honestly admit:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will Eventually come to believe it.The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and / or military consequences of the lie. It Tus Becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissents, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and Tus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. "
In essence, that lie anything that sounded continuously, then people will believe. History recounted the romance and grandeur of the agents of history. Is that a robber / thief like Ken Arok, or cold-blooded killer like Gajah Mada (Remember the massacre in Bubat), by history as a hero. Romanticism, provide make-up shades of color and spice in the form of the grandeur and majesty of the actors to make the reader forget the essence of the history of moral values.Morally depraved could be covered by meke-up and condiments romance. Measures Ken Arok kill stumps Ametung regent, his adoptive father and marry his widow Ken Dedes then replace regents, not a moral action. Gajah Mada action or kill the entire family bride of the king, nor immoral actions. And yet, both are perceived as heroes. History also remove the black mark of a person. You never hear the Sukarno regime imprisons group Koes Brothers singer because she did not like the songs are mellow.
In history, is there told about the inventor of cement, asphalt, cotton, nylon or a car? There was only a story about the president, ministers, generals, and the like. And they were all superb. I will provide detailed examples, namely Abraham Lincoln, one of the Amerikan president praised and remembered as a great president of the US if not the largest. Thus disanjungnya until the building as one that can not be separated from the image of the USA. This building - Abraham Lincoln Memorial - built to his memory. As if people have forgotten or do not know that the misery of the most severe in the history experienced by the American people is because of decisions made and Abraham Lincoln. The civil war between North and South, and Confederationist decided Federationist Abe Lincoln is the greatest misery in the history of the USA. Began in 1861 and ended in 1865, and only four years cost the lives of 620,000 or 2% of the population died in vain. If today's standards, 2% of the US population is 6 million. Imagine how many.
A sane and alert is the objective. He only saw the reality. When she poured her observations, herbs and hue given to his thinking adjusted to reality itself, so there is no conflict. Information such as fiction can be like Superman or physics book. Superman is a fictional story easy to read, but just to be read, not to be analyzed and matched with reality. People never do a reality check on Superman's ability to fly. What underlies the ability to fly Superman, Archimedes force (buoyancy force) or force such as aircraft propulsion? If the Archimedes force that makes Superman float / fly, then Superman should be light weight once and density smaller than the density of air. The next question will appear when viewed in action Superman lifting a bus, a plane: whether the average specific gravity of iron (bus or plane) plus Superman lighter than air? Suppose Superman uses propulsion system to fly, where is a propeller or jet system it?Eating for energy what he fly?
Indeed, the story of Superman is a fictional story. What I want to stress is that this fictional story to collide with the natural sciences that has always been the rationale sane person in the review of the information. The underlying conclusion sane person on the basis of facts and reality and not on the basis of passion, emotion and spirit ism espoused. This article will present a topic with the aim of re-sharpening our objectivity as rational.
The caste system is a classification society based profession. Brahmins are educated class (= the learned scholars) and religious scholar. Wesia is the working class. The Knights are a class of bureaucrats and politicians. And Shudra is wasted class. For the class of Brahmins and Wesia, roles and their contribution to the prosperity clear. But for the warrior class, politician, I never understood what their contribution to the prosperity of society. Have you ever asked what work the kings and nobility in relation to public welfare. For example, as in the legend of Ramayana or Mahabharata, or in the history of the Malay sultans in Sumatra, or Gajah Mada, Hayam Wuruk, Ken Arok. What their work truly productive and provide benefits to prosperity?
Human culture is formed and engineered in part by what is called history. Speaking about the issue of people who are meritorious, useful to mankind, many can not mention it. For example, when you are driving a car on smooth paved roads, and compare it with soil or rocky roads or cement roads, do not you think Who have you ever come across the asphalt and began to use it to the highway?
If we relax at home, on days of heavy rain, stormy, have you thought who invented cement, building materials that are familiar to you and are very useful to make a home, a steadfast from rain and sun, take refuge at night from thieves and looters. How many things that make our lives easier made of cement than houses; bridges, power poles, roads, embankments breakwater, demaga ship. Much more. Strange, is not that the inventor of the cement does anyone know?
If you are told to say who the first president of the United States, or Indonesia's first president, or prime minister of Canada first, then easily you mention the name of G. Washington, Sukarno and McDonald. Strange is not it? Services what they are doing in regard to the comfort of your life. Take just Kemal Attartuk, or Mahatma Gandhi? What their services to you and humanity so that their name is in the history books and to learn and make you memorized? Compare with the inventor of asphalt, cement, light or penicillin (antibiotic).
So you're not curious I will call the name of the inventor of the asphalt. Asphalt in English calledtarmac, stands tar McAdam. John McAdam, a Scot, was the pioneer for the use of asphalt / bitumen for road kostruksi far sebelun 1900. For cement, this stuff has been around since ancient Roman times, and is not known who the inventor. Moderate to penicillin, although originally discovered as an antibiotic by French medical student Ernest Duchesne, in 1896, but recognized inventor is Alexander Fleming in 1928.
How could the people who actually provide the convenience in our lives such as John McAdam, Alexander Fleming, Ernest Duchesne, Carnot, not widely known, was Washington, Gandi and Sukarno, very well known?
The world was created by politicians. Politicians or in the language of caste is nothing but the warrior class is a class of parasitic unproductive. Raja, a member of parliament and the knights - the political elite - in earlier times, no more than a handyman palak, approximately the same as in recent times. If you follow the river Rhine or Rijn, many castles along the river, on the hill.Also if you are driving in England and Scotland, found many castles, knights of old settlement on the hill, looking to trade lane road in the valley of the hill. See how many kingdoms along trade lines the Strait of Malacca, as the sultanate of Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Malacca, Johor, Riau, Deli, Langkat, Samudra Pasai, Sriwijaya (Malacca Strait is the trade route from China to India and Arabia by sea ). Perpetrators of these former empires like the timer / artisan palak who became ruler along the city bus service, or pack unwilling to bend in the road.When merchants passed, then the tax collector will meluruk to ask for tax. (Is this the origin of import duties and taxes through? I do not know)
If we read the story of Ramayana, Mahabharata - both tell the life of the warrior class - did not appear at all the stories of how the knights, the political elite, prosperity of the people. There is only uses resources to their interests - the political elite - his own, the war, the struggle for wealth and power. Similarly, if we read the biography of Sukarno, difficult to find where the activities which make the people prosperous. Then ...., how they are actually not very useful it can be admired and flattered beyond the borders of their services?
History, control of the writing that is the answer. The parasite (I am a bit exaggerating) called politicians, the elite, to justify their existence should create an image that they are important.They made a hero of his circle and mengagung-agungkannya. Everything was done through history and is taught in schools, or if in earlier times, made his legend and spoken continuously, hereditary. This is the word of Joseph Goebbels, propaganda minister of Nazi Germany. He honestly admit:
"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will Eventually come to believe it.The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and / or military consequences of the lie. It Tus Becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissents, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and Tus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. "
In essence, that lie anything that sounded continuously, then people will believe. History recounted the romance and grandeur of the agents of history. Is that a robber / thief like Ken Arok, or cold-blooded killer like Gajah Mada (Remember the massacre in Bubat), by history as a hero. Romanticism, provide make-up shades of color and spice in the form of the grandeur and majesty of the actors to make the reader forget the essence of the history of moral values.Morally depraved could be covered by meke-up and condiments romance. Measures Ken Arok kill stumps Ametung regent, his adoptive father and marry his widow Ken Dedes then replace regents, not a moral action. Gajah Mada action or kill the entire family bride of the king, nor immoral actions. And yet, both are perceived as heroes. History also remove the black mark of a person. You never hear the Sukarno regime imprisons group Koes Brothers singer because she did not like the songs are mellow.
In history, is there told about the inventor of cement, asphalt, cotton, nylon or a car? There was only a story about the president, ministers, generals, and the like. And they were all superb. I will provide detailed examples, namely Abraham Lincoln, one of the Amerikan president praised and remembered as a great president of the US if not the largest. Thus disanjungnya until the building as one that can not be separated from the image of the USA. This building - Abraham Lincoln Memorial - built to his memory. As if people have forgotten or do not know that the misery of the most severe in the history experienced by the American people is because of decisions made and Abraham Lincoln. The civil war between North and South, and Confederationist decided Federationist Abe Lincoln is the greatest misery in the history of the USA. Began in 1861 and ended in 1865, and only four years cost the lives of 620,000 or 2% of the population died in vain. If today's standards, 2% of the US population is 6 million. Imagine how many.
Heroes or silly?
Misery not only for the soul in vain, but also economic. Party Federation (it was Abraham Lincoln), ran out of money. There is no money to conduct economic activity. However, the army must be paid. The new 1-year battle has been confusion Federal Government find the funds for this war. In 1862 the US government enacted into law that gives the right for the government to print the national currency. Act the right to print money without backing up anything this is the first in the history of the USA. Then dicetaklah monies green. Money-money is not the same as the dollar now, because at that time only one side with pictures. Greenback called because only one side of the display (and the green color). That is the origin of the word Greenback.
The control over the right to print money without the support of tangible assets such as gold or silver this causes a lot of cynicism from many walks of life. I found a cartoon on this subject (see figure below).
Costs incurred by the government of the Federation reached $ 15 billion of money that time. If diekivalenkan with the present is $ 600 billion. If you like the current US population, 301 million, then everyone just assume $ 2000 per head. But at that time the US population of only 31.4 million, so that everyone should bear the brunt of the Federation of $ 20,000 per head.Unfortunately, not only the Federation of the cost, but also enemies, namely the Confederate side. Say the same magnitude. So in the civil war - US Civil War, an estimated people living must bear the burden of the $ 40,000. That's a lot!
People may argue that the US civil war is glorious, the abolition of slavery. Sane people say sacrifice in vain. At the time of slavery are everywhere. In South America, Spanish in Latin America also had the negro slaves. In Asia and Africa are still valid slavery. In areas of the world in general other than the US, slavery disappeared without a drop of blood out into battle, without fighting anything. Abraham Lincoln could do abolition of slavery without war, without sacrificing the 2% of its occupation and without burdening $ 40,000 (the equivalent of money in 2007) inhabitants. It is only government spending and does not include homes possessions, infra-structure and fields were destroyed. May be greater than government spending.
It would be futile. Sacrifice in vain for that stupid decision. But he, Abraham Lincoln, highly revered thanks to a promotion, herbs and image created by the political elite. That's history.
The formation of the image that politicians are the important thing is very universal, except perhaps in Islamic culture are popular only four caliphs and Salahuddin al-Ayubi (next time we will discuss how the governor of North Africa era of Umar bin Khattab, namely Amr bin Ash actually reduce entry tax from 72 million dinars per year in the reign of Byzantine be only 12 million dinars, but the increased prosperity). Not only the US, in Indonesia was always glorify the history kstaria. "Do not forget history" said Sukarno, although Ken Arok are thieves / robbers were promoted to the king. We'll see how this nation boasts a heroic war of liberation and full of romance. For those who do not feel the misery of war, it seems as if the war was beautiful, heroic and full of romance. But, I bet if you were on the battlefield and shot in the leg.Not dead and not alive, surrounded by the enemy ......., maybe you peed his pants because of fear or better suicide to relieve stress. My grandmother who had to evacuate when the war of independence, and to find the house broken, gold embedded (buried) in the floor of lost, damaged fields, still entranced by the image created by politicians. I might still sane and not immune to stun it. If you think, what's the point of war? Suriname nonetheless be independent without a war. Also Malaysia, Singapore ..... and a series again. Stupid war that needs to be sacrifice in vain. Do not ask it to politicians, they will deny it. But one thing, the fact that Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore or Suriname's independence without a single drop of blood hero, is undeniable. Does a hero who died at the time of independence it was useless in the sense of inevitable? You do not need to answer it, just ponder. But I remind you, the influence of history on your mindset is strong enough.
It should be recognized that not all citizens knights in history or legend portrayed as a hero.Heroes always need enemies - the bad guy. Hitler, Mussolini entered in the same group with Ravana or Kauravas, the bad guy. Hitler and Mussolini probably no worse than Abraham Lincoln. Only, the chroniclers are not in favor of Hitler and Mussolini because they are the part of the losing and has no control over the writing of history.
In Indonesia at this time, there was a phenomenon that people are vying to become an active warrior class. Does it participate in political parties, including regional organizations. When the Suharto era, mostly so passive knight. At that time, the Suharto regime, recruited many civil servants to be members KORPRI, which supports the ruling party. If only 90% of civil servants dismissed, the circumstances may be the same, no effect on the course of the wheels of government, perhaps even better, because not a lot of distraction to the matter of licensing.The situation today is more severe. Since the position of the knight is lucrative Wesia class, the warrior class does not require skill. Anyway class hero / warrior fact controlled, adjusting the, oppressive and can play tricks Wesia class. But do not forget that the public support is Wesia class.
The move from class to class Wesia productive knight parasite is a process of impoverishment of society. If this phenomenon continues, do not be envious if Malaysia would be much more prosperous than in Indonesia in the future, although in terms of its natural resources Indonesia more. Prosperity does not need a class politician / warrior.
In closing, there are two points that stupid that could be contemplated. The first point is: For what the position of vice president? In the science of organizational management, the position of one-to-one is redundant. The position of supervisor (boss) in charge of one (1) subordinate is redundant. Supposedly, a boss (if possible) have a minimum of 6 subordinate. Therefore, without a vice president, the cabinet still works. The idea mendudukan vice president is a stupid idea and waste.
Points to two. Some time ago, there was a survey conducted by tranparancy International Indonesia (TII) on the corruption perception index in Indonesia was announced (see websitehttp://www.hukumonline.com/detail.asp?id=18140&cl=Berita ). The result says that the police, political parties, parliament (DPR) and the judiciary is the most corrupt institution in Indonesia (See the table below for the data from 2004 to 2007). Champion position always passed from year to year and finalists from year to year remains the same, namely the police, parliament, judiciary and political parties.
The big four versions of the most corrupt institution GCB

Source: TI Indonesia (click to enlarge)
If seen, all of it is from the warrior class -birokrat and apparatus; not Wesia or Shudra class (caste humiliation). In history or political science and the science of statecraft, you've never heard of that parliament, the police, political parties and the judiciary was corrupt.Surprisingly, instead of running the country, heralded, said the most good is the system trias politica, executive, parliament and judiciary. Obviously triad politics is a principle that advocates a corrupt system.
Two years from now, in 2009, we will choose the knights to be placed as enforcers and as a regulator. From year to year we have done. Is our life more prosperous? Do you feel manfat their existence? Is the money they Tariki (taxes) and we pay comparable to what they provide?Mathematically, it is better they do not exist. You are hiring security guards instead of police to maintain security. You go to arbitration if any civil dispute and not to the courts. The law also overlapped. So why should they?
Said people from politics: "Power tends to corrupt."
The logical consequence: "More people with power leads to more corruption."
The Wesia ...., arise. ...... Do not want to say, to them. Select the empty seats. Realize with making your sound card is not valid.
Jakarta end of December 2007
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